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How to deal with the family home upon divorce

For the majority of couples who experience a relationship breakdown, their main joint asset is likely to be the family home. There are different options for dealing with this asset and some may work in practice more than others. For example, if one party has the financial means to buy the other out this will […]

‘Quick divorce’ services investigated by the Competition and Markets Authority

With the divorce laws changing in April 2022, it has now become a more streamlined process to obtain a divorce or the dissolution of a civil partnership. The whole process has moved online with applications being submitted either on a sole or joint basis. There is no reason or requirement for one party to blame […]

Job relocation and employment law

Relocation: navigating the risks and pitfalls for employers Due to changes in ways of working since the pandemic or in response to the economic slowdown, some employers are downsizing their premises and asking employees to relocate to new premises or hubs. Even if the change in location only involves a short distance, employers need to […]

Sue Wardropper

Sue Wardropper  who joined the firm in September 2023 is a Senior Associate Solicitor  and Head of the Family Department. Sue qualified in 2004 and has 30 years’ experience in family law. Sue has mainly been based in Suffolk during this period and as such has both excellent local knowledge and a good working relationship with […]