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Contempt of court in family proceedings

When a family dispute ends up in court, emotions often run high as by this point all other options to try to find a resolution are likely to have failed. One thing that you do not need to add to the issues, is to be found in contempt of court, as this can cause further […]

Common mistakes in employment contracts

When the employment relationship starts, you are obliged to give employees a written statement of particulars. This is often set out in the employment contract, and must include certain information, such as pay and hours of work.  When preparing employment contracts, it is very important to get them right. ‘We see several common mistakes in […]

Understanding the upcoming SDLT changes

Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) is a government tax payable on purchase of property or land in England and Northern Ireland. The amount payable depends on a variety of factors, such as the value of the property, the residency status of the buyer and whether the buyer has previously owned a property. The Government had […]

New guidance for Attorneys around gift giving

The Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) has issued updated guidance on gifting for both deputies and attorneys on behalf of someone unable to manage their own affairs.  The OPG’s role is to ‘carry out the legal functions of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA 2005). Gifts can help to preserve the relationships with the […]