Barker Gotelee expands offices in Martlesham Heath

Barker Gotelee has expanded its offices in Martlesham to create additional accommodation for our growing teams and meeting space for client consultations.

The expansion sees the Barker Gotelee Family Team move into spacious new offices above the Business Services department and creates an additional 4 consultation rooms in which our friendly and experienced solicitors can meet with clients and discuss their needs in comfort and complete privacy. Barker Gotelee’s Family Team expanded last year with the addition of solicitor Josephine Hayes, and offers a range of services covering matrimonial and children’s matters with a range of payment options, including pay as you go and fixed fees.

Senior Partner at Barker Gotelee, James Skellorn, explained: “This expansion is a great investment in our future, providing much needed additional space to accommodate the recent and further anticipated growth in all areas of the firm. It allows us to build on the range of services we offer here at Barker Gotelee while maintaining our ability to deliver a service that’s truly tailored to each client’s individual circumstances.”

Family Team: Amanda Erskine, Nicola Furmston, Josephine Hayes, Victoria Brosnan