Considering using a McKenzie Friend?
The removal of legal aid for most family court cases has led to a rise in the use of McKenzie friends.
A McKenzie friend is an advisor of sorts, usually not legally qualified, and is someone who can help you during your court hearing and organise paperwork for you, but who cannot talk at the court hearing.
In the family field there are a number of professional McKenzie friend services, but parties should be wary of those offering services as a result of some personal need to deal with emotions arising as a result of their own family crises. Such advisors are not always dispassionate and objective. For family work, a cool head and professional approach are required, placing any children and their best interests at the heart of the process.
Solicitors are often thought of as expensive, but professional McKenzie friends also charge and at Barker Gotelee we offer many, good value, fixed fee services which can help if this situation arises.
Nicola Furmston is a solicitor specialising in the family field at Barker Gotelee, Solicitors in Ipswich.