Family Solicitors Suffolk – Divorce is “too easy”?

‘Just before Christmas 2012, ICM conducted a poll for a UK law firm, to find out what people’s attitudes were to the divorce process in England and Wales. Of the 2,000 people polled, 57% agreed or strongly agreed with the statement that “it is too easy to divorce these days”. What is really interesting about this survey  is the number of people in the sample agreeing with this statement who were either divorced (56%) or currently married (58%).

But is it really the case that divorce is “too easy”? The media sometimes like to give the impression that couples in dispute rush to their solicitor after Christmas to commence divorce proceedings, but very rarely is that the case. Many family solicitors will tell you that when clients decide to commence divorce proceedings, it is usually because every other avenue open to them to try and reconcile their marriage has been closed off. For most clients divorce is usually the final and last option and it is rarely an ‘easy’ decision to make.’

Amanda Crowe is a family law solicitor at Barker Gotelee, solicitors in Suffolk.

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