Divorce Solicitor Ipswich – Divorce couple lambasted for wasting court time

Nicola Furmston Cropped

A couple, who have clogged up the British courts, with a complex and costly divorce have been lambasted by the judge for taking valuable court time away from more deserving cases with emergency issues such as child abduction, where time is of the essence.   The couple, who also have links to Malaysia have spent well in excess of £1 million on preliminary skirmishes as the wife, a former Miss Malaysia, fights for £500 million of the husband’s fortune, derived in part from his ownership of 40% of the shares in Laura Ashley. The principle of splitting assets 50/50 in cases involving wealthy couples has created a surge of ‘forum shopping’ in which couples, with links to more than one country, seek to issue divorce proceedings in the country with a regime most favourable to the outcome they are seeking. This particular couples arguments over which forum should be used for their divorce is scheduled to take up ten days of court time later this year, something that has attracted criticism bearing in mind the pressures on an already stretched court system.


Nicola Furmston is a divorce solicitor at Barker GoteleeSolicitors in Ipswich

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