Family Solicitors Suffolk – Nigella’s ‘quickie’ divorce from Charles Saatchi
‘Several newspapers have reported about Nigella Lawson’s ‘quickie’ divorce from Charles Saatchi, some suggesting that it would be achieved in two months, an unlikely scenario. It takes around 1 4 days from service of a petition to the point where the person receiving it has acknowledged receipt to the court and then a minimum of about 28 days to the point of the court granting decree nisi. A fixed period of six weeks and one day must take place between that and the grant of the final decree of divorce. Only in very exceptional circumstances will a court bring forward the final decree.
In all probability, what Nigella and Charles have achieved is a very speedy end to the negotiations about the financial settlement, perhaps because they had a pre-nuptial agreement or perhaps because of the their own personal willingness to cooperate with each other.’
Nicola Furmston is a family law solicitor at Barker Gotelee, solicitors in Ipswich
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