Our Complaints Procedure
We are committed to providing a high-quality legal serviced to all our clients. When something goes wrong, we need you to tell us about it. This will help us to improve our standards.
If you have a complaint please contact Clare Richards, who has overall responsibility for complaints and whose contact details are:
Clare Richards, Barker Gotelee LLP, 41 Barrack Square, Martlesham Heath, Ipswich, IP5 3RF
We have a full Complaints Handling Procedure, which can be read here.
What happens next?
We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint by letter or email within seven working days of receiving it, enclosing a copy of our Complaints Procedure.
We will then investigate your complaint. This will normally involve Clare Richards reviewing your file and speaking to the member of staff who acted for you.
We will send you a detailed written reply to your complaint, including our suggestions for resolving the matter.
If you are still not satisfied, you can contact the Legal Ombudsman at PO Box 6167, Slough, SL1 0EH or [email protected]
If you are unhappy with our professional behaviour, the Solicitors Regulation Authority can help. To see who you can raise your concerns with at the Solicitors Regulation Authority, please visit