Employment Law

Employment Law Icon

We give advice in plain English. We're here to help.

Employment law is technical, and changes are made on a regular basis.

Our Employment Team at Barker Gotelee have a wide range of experience assisting with complex employment issues. We work closely with employees, to really understand the problems they face at work, and then deliver the best possible result. Our aim is to help take the pressure off, and to provide assistance in what can be a very challenging and stressful time.

We deliver pragmatic and commercial advice, in plain English.

Based in Martlesham Heath, near Ipswich, Suffolk, we work with clients when they face a wide range of problems at work. This includes advice upon:

Allegations of poor performance and misconduct

Constructive Dismissals


Employment Contracts

Employment Transfers under TUPE

Employment Tribunal Claims



Restrictions in employment contracts (known as Restrictive Covenants)

Settlement Agreements

Unfair Dismissal


Speak with our employment law solicitors about your concerns. We would be delighted to help you.

Contact us, we are here to help.

“Your authoritative approach and effective cross-examination before the tribunal turned our case.”

Employment Law
Key Contacts


Sam Welham
Associate Solicitor 
01473‍ 617348
Dermott Thomas
01473‍ 617308
Clare Richards
01473‍ 617311
Annabel Attwell
01473‍ 617336