Family Solicitors Suffolk – New family law bill goes before parliament
‘The Children and Families Bill goes before parliament today. It underpins the government’s approach to family matters. Of particular note are the following, which will come into play if the bill is passed: It will become compulsory for a person to attend a family mediation information and assessment meeting (“MIAM”) to find out about mediation before being able to apply for certain types of court order. The bill will signal to separated parents that courts will take account of the principle that both should continue to be involved in their children’s lives where that is safe and consistent with the child’s welfare and it will introduce a new “child arrangements order”, replacing residence and contact orders. The emphasis will be on encouraging parents to focus on their child’s needs rather than what they see as their own ‘rights’. Keep reading our blog to find out whether the bill becomes law.’
Nicola Furmston is a family law solicitor at Barker Gotelee, solicitors in Ipswich.
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