Family Solicitors Suffolk – Suffolk’s educational slump

‘The MP for Ipswich, Mr Ben Gummer, has been speaking out about Suffolk’s high schools following a recent meeting of head teachers and Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector Sir Michael Wilshaw, head of Ofsted. Suffolk is currently in the bottom 10 of the government’s 2012 GCSE league table. The league tables compared 151 local authorities and showed that Suffolk has fallen from 123rd place in 2011 to 142nd place in 2012. This means that only 51% of pupils achieved five or more A-C grades in 2012.

There will no doubt be many factors which played a part in the 2012 results, but Mr Gummer has been keen to stress that, “we’ve got a very strong set of leaders in Ipswich and they are determined to lead the county out of the place that it is at the moment,” with Sir Michael adding that parents and the county council had to play their part too. As the next round of students prepare to deal with the pressure of these exams over the coming months, only time will tell if the set of leaders in Ipswich are as strong as Mr. Gummer believes.’

Amanda Crowe is a family law solicitor at Barker Gotelee, solicitors in Ipswich. Barker Gotelee specialise in school appeals.

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