Family Solicitors Suffolk – Teachers’ pay is changing from September 2013

‘Recently the Education Secretary Michael Gove announced that, from September 2013, the majority of schools in England and Wales will be given more freedom over how they pay their teachers. The current system allows for automatic pay progression for teachers, and this appears to be what the School Teachers’ Review Body (STRB) is most concerned about. There appears to be a poor link between a teacher’s performance and reward which the new framework plans to tackle.

From September a more flexible national pay framework for teachers will come into effect which will link all teachers’ pay progression to performance, based on annual appraisals and end pay increases based on length of service. It is hoped that this will make teaching a more attractive career and allow schools to reward their best teachers – the gold star for good behaviour coming back in a different form? Only time will tell if this new framework can produce fairer results.’

Amanda Crowe is a family law solicitor at Barker Gotelee, solicitors in Suffolk. Barker Gotelee specialise in school appeals.

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