Family Solicitors Suffolk – Think before you take revenge on ex

‘Tempting as it might be to dish the dirt in a divorce on a spouse who might have done something he/she should not have done, thought should always be given in advance to the consequences of doing so, which may far-reaching. A former MP’s wife will find out this week exactly what those consequences might be. The wife in question accepted penalty points for speeding for her husband, she says under coercion, to avoid him being disqualified for driving. As revenge for a marital affair she later informed the police. This resulted in both husband and wife being accused of perjury, the maximum sentence for which is life imprisonment. Husband has already pleaded guilty. Wife may be found guilty. ‘The long arms of the law’ is a phrase which springs to mind.’

Nicola Furmston is a family law solicitor at Barker Gotelee, solicitors in Ipswich

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