What expertise do you really need from your divorce solicitors?
When you’re instructing divorce solicitors in Suffolk to handle your marriage break-up, you will obviously want someone with experience and expertise in divorce law. This is vital to ensure your rights are properly addressed and, most importantly, that things are handled correctly so that the settlement you reach with your spouse does not result in problems later on. If a divorce is handled by someone without the right expertise, potential pitfalls could include a former partner making additional claims in the future, or a lack of clarity about asset ownership.
But is divorce law expertise always enough? Depending on your circumstances, your divorce could involve a lot more than simply agreeing childcare arrangements and deciding what happens to the marital home. This means you may need to find solicitors who also have specialist knowledge in a range of other legal areas.
At Barker Gotelee, we are highly experienced divorce solicitors based in Suffolk who have expertise covering a whole range of fields, meaning we can provide a complete service to ensure that the whole process of ending a marriage goes as smoothly as possible. Below are details of some of the areas of law which could potentially be needed.
Divorce Solicitors Suffolk – Click here for information about our services and how we may be able to help you.
Family law
Arrangements for children are one of the most important and potentially fraught aspects of a relationship break-up. Often there are aspects which are not straightforward and need to be considered, for instance if you have children who have been adopted, from previous relationships, or who have special needs. If one partner is moving abroad, this is also something which solicitors will need to discuss, as it will clearly cause difficulties over both having contact to the children.
Barker Gotelee has a well-established family law department which will work with you to make the best arrangements for your children as you make your new start. We also have an experienced mediation department which may provide the best way forward if you are having difficulties in communicating directly with your partner and arranging things amicably between you.
Commercial law
This is a legal area which will have to be considered where either you or your partner owns a business, or where the two of you have run a business together, such as a farm, shop or other type of venture. There are many questions which will need to be answered, such as what happens to business premises, and whether you can agree a settlement to prevent the business from closing down altogether.
Will both of you continue to work at the business, and what will happen if one or both of you wants to sell? Or what should happen if either you or your partner is the owner of a business which itself owns multiple assets?
In cases such as these, Barker Gotelee would refer the questions which arise in the course of the divorce to our expert commercial department, so that the future of your business assets can be decided without causing unnecessary delays and complications.
Property law
Often, a couple which is parting may have to deal with not just the family home, but also other properties which they own jointly. For instance, you may have a holiday home which is rented for income for part of the year when you are not using it yourselves. As with business assets, there are many questions to be answered about property which is owned either together or separately. Do you or your partner want to sell the properties, or would one prefer to pay the other for their share?
As well as being expert divorce solicitors based in Suffolk, at Barker Gotelee we also have a specialist property law department which will be able to help in areas like these. Our team is highly experienced in all kinds of property transactions and will work to make these aspects of a marriage break-up go smoothly.
All-round legal service
When you are ending a marriage and need legal advice and help, the question is whether to choose a specialist divorce solicitor or a generalist. With Barker Gotelee, clients have access to both – as our team includes experienced divorce solicitors working together with specialists in family law, commercial law, and property law.
In the course of a divorce we can also refer you to our wills, estate planning and trust department, for any arrangements which need to be made in these areas. We also have an insolvency department which can provide expert help if your break-up comes at a time of personal bankruptcy or business failure.
Our divorce solicitors are specialists – but, working at our Suffolk office, we can also bring in other specialisms when required, without you having to find people with the right expertise yourself.
About Barker Gotelee
Based in Ipswich, Barker Gotelee Solicitors has more than 25 years of experience. Our experts in divorce law and family law will work with you to help you achieve a fair and positive outcome as you look to the future.
Divorce Solicitors in Suffolk – Contact us to find out more about how we can help you.
Nicola Furmston is a solicitor specialising in the family field at Barker Gotelee, Solicitors in Ipswich.