Family Solicitors Ipswich – Will the child benefit changes affect you?

“The child benefit changes which happened this week will have an effect on many families undergoing divorce and separation. The primary child-carer may now find him or herself unexpectedly still eligible for child benefit as the higher income spouse or partner vacates the family home leaving the remaining parent within the threshold for claiming child benefit. For others the loss of child benefit, whilst expected, will have a greater impact than hoped for, as the cost of running two homes rather than one becomes a reality for estranged couples. The availability of benefits and tax credits can be crucial for some separating couples, who need to rely on these in order to make ends meet. Lower income parents who are able to access working tax credits, in particular, may achieve more satisfactory financial settlements  that those who can’t, but, as the child benefit changes show, reliance on government policy can be a precarious business.”

Nicola Furmston is a family law solicitor at Barker Gotelee, solicitors in Ipswich.

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