
Discrimination Icon

We give advice in plain English. We're here to help.

Discrimination can take many forms. For example, an employer refusing to promote an employee because they are too old, or refusing training opportunities because the employee is disabled.

To succeed in a discrimination claim, you need to establish that because of your protected characteristic, you suffered a detriment or were dismissed. These protected characteristics are set out in statute, and include by way of example, your age, disability, race and sex.

You also need to establish the type of discrimination that has taken place. For example, direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, or a failure to make reasonable adjustments in the workplace. Each type of discrimination has a different legal test.

Discrimination claims are complex and technical. It can be difficult to build a coherent case against your employer.

If you have suffered discrimination at work, it can be traumatic and unsettling. Our Employment Team has experience representing clients in discrimination claims who work in a wide variety of sectors. We shall provide you with sound and pragmatic legal advice. Our aim is to take the pressure off, by giving you someone to talk to in confidence, to help you achieve the best possible outcome. That might involve helping you raise a formal grievance, bringing Employment Tribunal proceedings, or trying to persuade your employer to agree a settlement.

Employment Law
Key Contacts


Sam Welham
Associate Solicitor 
01473‍ 617348
Dermott Thomas
01473‍ 617308
Clare Richards
01473‍ 617311
Annabel Attwell
01473‍ 617336