Settlement Agreements

Settlement Agreements Icon

We give advice in plain English. We're here to help.

Things do go wrong at work and sometimes it may be best to leave. The discussion about leaving could be initiated by you, or in certain circumstances, it could be initiated by your employer.

Before leaving, your employer might ask you to sign a Settlement Agreement.

A Settlement Agreement is a contract between you and your employer. Its purpose is to settle any claims and you surrender your right to sue.

In order for the Settlement Agreement to be binding, you must first receive independent legal advice.

There are many issues to consider when you are offered a Settlement Agreement. For example, you may be asked to enter into new post termination restrictions such as those that prevent you dealing with customers, or there may be strict restrictions relating to confidentiality.

It is likely to be a very difficult and stressful time, especially if you have been with your employer for a number of years.

Our Employment Team are experienced in advising employees who work in a wide variety of sectors. We take the time to understand your position and shall consider with you whether any amendments to the Settlement Agreement should be requested.

Employment Law
Key Contacts


Sam Welham
Associate Solicitor 
01473‍ 617348
Dermott Thomas
01473‍ 617308
Clare Richards
01473‍ 617311
Annabel Attwell
01473‍ 617336